Room 3
Tamaki Intermediate
Thursday 24th March 2011
Allan Peachey
National MP
Dear Allan Peachy
I am writing against your decision to shut down Tamaki Intermediate and give four primary schools the right to become a full primary school. I have reasons for coming to Tamaki Intermediate.
First of all I decided to come to this school so I could use new learning tools, try out their new uniform, and experience being taught as a young adult. Staying at a school that you have been to from five years of age until 13 is going to be really irritating. I want to see new faces, make new friends and have a change of learning environment.
Your opinion of our school makes me feel really upset and angry. I know Tamaki Intermediate has the best learning tools and teachers as any other school.
Lastly if I get sent back to primary it will make me feel like I am back to being five years old and that feeling will never go away. Primary was really awesome but I want to start in the next stage and at a different school to help me get ready for my next steps which is college.
I hope my letter will persuade you and give you of bit of time to think about the information you are sending out to people and think about how it is going to affect the students and the teachers of this great school.
Thank you